Wednesday, August 31, 2011

my new excursion at unlv....

I just embarked on a new journey as an instructor at UNLV (University of Nevada Las Vegas). Of course, I am teaching Japanese as a foreign language. I should be lesson planning as we speak but as you may already know, I am a bit of a procrastinator. I love the exhilarating feeling of deadlines ( I know, you don't have to tell me. I have a problem).
So, I had couple notable embarrassing moments:
1) I tripped on the first day. I told my students, "You do not laugh at me. It is still the first day of school."
2) It happened while I was teaching my students how to bow in Japanese.
Me: Girls you put your hands to the side and bow.  Oh, oops, that's for boys.
       Now, girls, you cross your hands and bring them to the front as if you are
       covering your private parts. Ohh, that's right, you don't have any.
       (I need to watch what I say. I can get in trouble)

Right, laugh at loud. I do know how to keep myself entertained.
Stories to be continued.......

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha! you woouullldd. Everytime you use the acronym UNLV i keep thinking I read "unlove" but anyways, I can't wait to hear your amusing stories about your students, as your ex T.A. its strange starting the school day without one xD but if those students are anything like south high students, soon enough they will be pleasantly surprised at your actual interest in their well being. That means helping us be successful in your class, knowing us on a probably too personal level than suggested by the school, and assisting us emotionally and psychologically (secretly spiritually!). To some students you might be the only one in their lives that gives them encouragement and affirmation. No pressure! lol but God's already given you everything you need. I know I'm always trying to encourage and convince you that you're an amazing teacher(although I hope I don't cause you to fight off pride :( ) but its because I know that to most of us, we need new doses of it frequently to keep us going. Once again, you are an amazing teacher (: and i love you <3
