Friday, August 26, 2011

the word is MAGIC.....

MAGIC is the acronym for Men's Apparel Guild of California. It was founded in 1933, as an annual show. This show has now become the largest, most comprehensive apparel, footwear, and accessory trade event in the United States. 
I had the privileged of working the entire show the past week from the 20th through the 24th. I was hired as an international typist which equates to registration attendant/ information booth for anyone who spoke Japanese and only Japanese.  However, the show only provided assistance for language speakers of Italian, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese. What happened to other language speakers? They had to speak to us in English. Considering that we were all multiple language speakers, we were definitely more patient and attentive to the other language speakers though we were not able to assist them in their native tongue. 
So, I had a wonderful time working with other international typists and assisting visitors from all over the world.
Two great things from this show: Gained few friends who I would love to spend more time with and gained a direct Japanese contact for future interpreting needs. Yaay! They are PRICELESS gains! I'm super excited. 

So, I'll end this post with a funny conversation I had with a client: 

Me-  Sir, are you an exhibitor or a retailer?
Client - Excuse me?
Me- (repeat the same thing) are you an exhibitor or a retailer?
Client - I am Korean. 

This concludes my adventure as a bilingual/international typist. 

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