Monday, March 18, 2013

An afternoon of counseling...

Communication is the key to a healthy relationship.
This statement reigns true in any and or all forms of relationships.

Though women are known to be creatures with keen sense of intuition, there are ambiguities that we are still unable to read. Puzzling facial expressions, awkward silence, distance, smirk, glare... none of these really make any sense to any one of us. We can't understand what a high school student is thinking in the middle of a class time, we never know what our significant other is really thinking, we really can't solve the mystery of how to motivate and entice an underachieving student.

The unknown puzzles me. It can bring the best or the worst out of me.

I hate having to be the one to initiate conversation.

Well, my dear tutee is having puzzling times in her English and Social Studies class.
Her grades are plummeting and has lost interest and or desire to succeed academically.
(I wonder if she has lost confidence in her academic potential.)

Her teacher is seemingly wonderful and puts in every effort to help assist her students.
She does the same for her. But my tutee may feel her teacher is a tad-bit overbearing.

So the teacher, her mother, and I met up today to discuss her performance.
(Yes, I do accompany parents to parent-teacher conferences to further assist students or to serve as liaison/translator between the teacher and parents)

It was a fruitful conversation. Communication always clarifies and opens doors to newness.

So, I better learn from this situation and sit down and speak to my troubling students, my significant other, my family members, and friends... to clarify my unresolved mysteries and to open the doors of newness.

Avoidance apparently never brings any goodness.

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